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// check and ensure that we have a valid session if (!empty($_POST)) { // the session should not be empty // however for standalone forms, it will not have any CiviCRM variables in the // session either, so dont check for it if (count($_SESSION) <= 1) { $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); CRM_Utils_System::redirect($config->userFrameworkBaseURL); } }
// check and ensure that we have a valid session if (!empty($_POST)) { // the session should not be empty // however for standalone forms, it will not have any CiviCRM variables in the // session either, so dont check for it if (count($_SESSION) <= 1) { // try not to break payment processor ipns in the process if you don't mind .. if (@$_GET['task'] != 'civicrm/payment/ipn') { $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); CRM_Utils_System::redirect($config->userFrameworkBaseURL); } } }
if ($isRead) {
if ($isRead && @$_GET['task'] != 'civicrm/payment/ipn') {
$notifyURL = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/payment/ipn', implode('&', $querystring), true, null, false, true, false);
$notifyURL = str_replace('civicrm/payment/ipn', urlencode('civicrm/payment/ipn'), $notifyURL) . '&test=' . ((strpos($this->_paymentProcessor['url_site'], 'test.sagepay') !== false) ? '1' : '0');
$input['VPSSignature'] = self::retrieve('VPSSignature', 'String', 'POST', false);
$input['is_test'] = self::retrieve('test', 'String', 'POST', false);