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Array( [callback] => Array ( [0] => CRM_Core_Error [1] => handle ) [code] => a515ac9c2796ca0e23adbe92c68fc9fc [message] => DB Error: a515ac9c2796ca0e23adbe92c68fc9fc [mode] => 16 [debug_info] => ALTER TABLE civicrm_event_en_OO DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_civicrm_event_loc_block_id [nativecode=1347 ** 'leapywca.civicrm_event_en_oo' is not BASE TABLE] [type] => DB_Error [user_info] => ALTER TABLE civicrm_event_en_OO DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_civicrm_event_loc_block_id [nativecode=1347 ** 'leapywca.civicrm_event_en_oo' is not BASE TABLE] [to_string] => [db_error: message="DB Error: a515ac9c2796ca0e23adbe92c68fc9fc" code=0 mode=callback callback=CRM_Core_Error::handle prefix="" info="ALTER TABLE civicrm_event_en_OO DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_civicrm_event_loc_block_id [nativecode=1347 ** 'leapywca.civicrm_event_en_oo' is not BASE TABLE]"])
The module provides a block called 'CiviCRM extras' which you may need to enable from your block administrator page. This will provide a link to the Event cloning tool. It does assume that you've already created an event, via the regular CiviEvent interface, that you want to have repeated.