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i took a brief look at the code and i suspect before it gets into core, we'll need to make at least a few changes:1. reduce the number of additional tables to a smaller number (currently 4 tables are created). ideally we should figure out which tables can some of the columns be merged into2. the silentPost i suspect is similar to paypal's callback url (IPN) and should preferably follow the same modellobo
if your developer needs more info than the above, please contact us on IRCi also think the module needs to be split into 2 parts:1. support recurring authorize.com "payments". this hopefully can follow a similar model to paypal standard / paypal pro recurring2. support recurring memberships linked to the above. This will be extending memberships to handle recurring payments and change status based on thatlobo
I have also forwarded all comments and testing reports I have received to my developer. To reduce duplication of work, I think anybody interested in developing on this project should coordinate together.
Here is our plan. We are going to try and handle the first part describe above.* We are going to model the PayPal method.* It will be pure CiviCRM code* It will send out notification during a silentPost with a link to cancel the subscription* Hopefully plug into some admin functionality that let's admin's cancel for them.* SilentPost records the transaction* Further send out a notification prior to the customer so then can cancel ahead of time according to how the contribution page is setup.We are hoping you are interested in the membership integration. We are in #civicrm as pearcec and xfortymatt. If you have concerns with our approach let us know.
From what we found the cancellation links are proprietary to paypal. So here are our restated goals.Phase I1. Modified the database so Authorize.NET is set to is_recur, plus it should set contributeMode == 'direct' (how ever that occurs) -- this changes the language on the Thankyou page telling you to contact an email address for cancellations (for now a person can just log into the authorize.net merchant account to cancel)2. Test the existing Authorize.NET recurring POST code for setting ARB -- My developer tells me there is code out there.3. Implement the silentPost back for recording the transaction. -- Going to try and crib off the paypal implementation.