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Looking at the drop civicrm issue. In phpMyAdmin, if I only want to get rid of the fields that end in _en_US and _es_ES, leaving their non-suffixed counterparts in tact? If I do this, it may keep my data in tact, no?
4) I add CiviCRM Spanish language file and activate Spanish language in CiviCRM and I can NO LONGER add menu items. If so, it would be fair to say that CiviCRM for Joomla does not have multilingual capabilities yet, but I can still add CiviCRM in English to a multilingual site. Is that correct?
Having looked at the issues link in your post, you mentioned URL params. I tried using http://www.hispaniccanadian.org/index2.php?option=com_civicrm&task=civicrm/contribute/transact&reset=1&id=3 (tried the live site from inside the admin panel and removed /administrator from the path) both as an External Link and a Wrapper and it brought up the page, though I am still working with the Treasurer to get his PayPal account working. Once he fixes that, is there any reason why the data may not be processed properly doing it this way? This may be a way of getting around this issue until the permanent solution is incorporated into a future revsion.
Thanks for your input. In fact, while I was waiting for further feedback (my time to play with this is limited these days so, when I get time, I "try stuff"), I tried the following:1) I uninstalled CiviCRM.2) I dropped all tables (left column - sorry if I am using the wrong terminology) suffixed _es_ES.
3) I went through all remaining tables and dropped fields within them suffixed _es_ES.4) I removed the suffix _en_US from all fields in the non-suffixed tables. 5) I dropped all tables suffixed _en_US.
At this point, as far as I could tell, there was nothing in the entire database that suggested a language via one of those two suffixes.
With respect to your project, I am happy to help and be a part of the ongoing advancement of CiviCRM. Anything that won't break the live site, I'm there. In terms of extending the multilingual support, is there any way I can help? I am not a coder but would be happy to help you test the app when it is ready.
You also need to visit the civicrm_domain table and in the sole row in that table set the column locales to NULL.