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INSERT INTO `civicrm_option_group` (`name`, `description`, `is_reserved`, `is_active`) VALUES ('report_template' , 'Report Template' , 0, 1);SELECT @option_group_id_report := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_group WHERE NAME = 'report_template';INSERT INTO `civicrm_option_value` (`option_group_id`, `label`, `value`, `name`, `grouping`, `filter`, `is_default`, `weight`, `description`, `is_optgroup`, `is_reserved`, `is_active`, `component_id`, `visibility_id`) VALUES (@option_group_id_report , 'Constituent Report (Summary)', 'contact/summary', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contact_Summary', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, 'Provides a list of address and telephone information for constituent records in your system.', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL), (@option_group_id_report , 'Constituent Report (Detail)', 'contact/detail', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contact_Detail', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, 'Provides contact-related information on contributions, memberships, events and activities.', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL), (@option_group_id_report , 'Activity Report', 'activity', 'CRM_Report_Form_Activity', NULL, 0, NULL, 3, 'Provides a list of constituent activity including activity statistics for one/all contacts during a given date range(required)', 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL), (@option_group_id_report , 'Walk / Phone List Report', 'walklist', 'CRM_Report_Form_Walklist', NULL, 0, NULL, 4, 'Provides a detailed report for your walk/phonelist for targetted contacts', 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL), (@option_group_id_report , 'Current Employer Report', 'contact/currentEmployer', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contact_CurrentEmployer', NULL, 0, NULL, 5, 'Provides detail list of employer employee relationships along with employment details Ex Join Date', 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL), (@option_group_id_report , 'Donor Report (Summary)', 'contribute/summary', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_Summary', NULL, 0, NULL, 6, 'Shows contribution statistics by month / week / year .. country / state .. type.', 0, 0, 1, @contributeCompId, NULL), (@option_group_id_report , 'Donor Report (Detail)', 'contribute/detail', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_Detail', NULL, 0, NULL, 7, 'Lists detailed contribution(s) for one / all contacts. Contribution summary report points to this report for specific details.', 0, 0, 1, @contributeCompId, NULL), (@option_group_id_report , 'Donation Summary Report (Repeat)', 'contribute/repeat', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_Repeat', NULL, 0, NULL, 8, 'Given two date ranges, shows contacts (and their contributions) who contributed in both the date ranges with percentage increase / decrease.', 0, 0, 1, @contributeCompId, NULL), (@option_group_id_report , 'Donation Summary Report (Organization)', 'contribute/organizationSummary', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_OrganizationSummary', NULL, 0, NULL, 9, 'Displays a detailed contribution report for Organization relationships with contributors, as to if contribution done was from an employee of some organization or from that Organization itself.', 0, 0, 0, @contributeCompId, NULL), (@option_group_id_report , 'Donation Summary Report (Household)', 'contribute/householdSummary', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_HouseholdSummary', NULL, 0, NULL, 10, 'Provides a detailed report for Contributions made by contributors(Or Household itself) who are having a relationship with household (For ex a Contributor is Head of Household for some household or is a member of.)', 0, 0, 0, @contributeCompId, NULL), (@option_group_id_report , 'Top Donors Report', 'contribute/topDonor', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_TopDonor', NULL, 0, NULL, 11, 'Provides a list of the top donors during a time period you define. You can include as many donors as you want (for example, top 100 of your donors).', 0, 0, 0, @contributeCompId, NULL), (@option_group_id_report , 'SYBUNT Report', 'contribute/sybunt', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_Sybunt', NULL, 0, NULL, 12, 'Some year(s) but not this year. Provides a list of constituents who donated at some time in the history of your organization but did not donate during the time period you specify.', 0, 0, 1, @contributeCompId, NULL), (@option_group_id_report , 'LYBUNT Report', 'contribute/lybunt', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_Lybunt', NULL, 0, NULL, 13, 'Last year but not this year. Provides a list of constituents who donated last year but did not donate during the time period you specify as the current year.', 0, 0, 1, @contributeCompId, NULL), (@option_group_id_report , 'Soft Credit Report', 'contribute/softcredit', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_SoftCredit', NULL, 0, NULL, 14, 'Soft Credit details.', 0, 0, 1,@contributeCompId, NULL), (@option_group_id_report , 'Membership Report (Summary)', 'member/summary', 'CRM_Report_Form_Member_Summary', NULL, 0, NULL, 15, 'Provides a summary of memberships by type and join date.', 0, 0, 1, @memberCompId, NULL), (@option_group_id_report , 'Membership Report (Detail)', 'member/detail', 'CRM_Report_Form_Member_Detail', NULL, 0, NULL, 16, 'Provides a list of members along with their membership status and membership details (Join Date, Start Date, End Date).', 0, 0, 1, @memberCompId, NULL), (@option_group_id_report , 'Membership Report (Lapsed)', 'member/lapse', 'CRM_Report_Form_Member_Lapse', NULL, 0, NULL, 17, 'Provides a list of memberships that lapsed or will lapse before the date you specify.', 0, 0, 1, @memberCompId, NULL), (@option_group_id_report , 'Event Participant Report (List)', 'event/participantListing', 'CRM_Report_Form_Event_ParticipantListing', NULL, 0, NULL, 18, 'Provides lists of participants for an event.', 0, 0, 1, @eventCompId, NULL), (@option_group_id_report , 'Event Income Report (Summary)', 'event/summary', 'CRM_Report_Form_Event_Summary', NULL, 0, NULL, 19, 'Provides an overview of event income. You can include key information such as event ID, registration, attendance, and income generated to help you determine the success of an event.', 0, 0, 1, @eventCompId, NULL), (@option_group_id_report , 'Event Income Report (Detail)', 'event/income', 'CRM_Report_Form_Event_Income', NULL, 0, NULL, 20, 'Helps you to analyze the income generated by an event. The report can include details by participant type, status and payment method.', 0, 0, 1, @eventCompId, NULL), (@option_group_id_report , 'Pledge Report', 'pledge/summary', 'CRM_Report_Form_Pledge_Summary', NULL, 0, NULL, 21, 'Pledge Report', 0, 0, 0, @pledgeCompId, NULL), (@option_group_id_report , 'Pledged But not Paid Report', 'pledge/pbnp', 'CRM_Report_Form_Pledge_Pbnp', NULL, 0, NULL, 22, 'Pledged but not Paid Report', 0, 0, 0, @pledgeCompId, NULL);INSERT INTO civicrm_component (name, namespace) VALUES ('CiviReport' , 'CRM_Report' );CREATE TABLE civicrm_report_instance ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'Report Instance ID', title VARCHAR(255) COMMENT 'Report Instance Title.', report_id VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL COMMENT 'FK to civicrm_option_value for the report template', description VARCHAR(255) COMMENT 'Report Instance description.', permission VARCHAR(255) COMMENT 'permission required to be able to run this instance', form_values TEXT COMMENT 'Submitted form values for this report', is_active TINYINT COMMENT 'Is this entry active?', email_subject VARCHAR(255) COMMENT 'Subject of email', email_to TEXT COMMENT 'comma-separated list of email addresses to send the report to', email_cc TEXT COMMENT 'comma-separated list of email addresses to send the report to', header TEXT COMMENT 'comma-separated list of email addresses to send the report to', footer TEXT COMMENT 'comma-separated list of email addresses to send the report to' , PRIMARY KEY ( id ) ) ENGINE=INNODB DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ;INSERT INTO civicrm_component (NAME, namespace) VALUES ('CiviReport' , 'CRM_Report' );
Did you definitely do this step in the Joomla Upgrade instructions:Quote* You should see "CiviCRM successfully installed" message and a link to upgrade the database to the current version. Click the link and initiate the database upgrade script on the following screen. If you ran the DB upgrade step and you still don't see CiviReport - then something failed in the upgrade. If you can send a dump of your DB to deepak at webaccess dot co dot in - we can take a look.
* You should see "CiviCRM successfully installed" message and a link to upgrade the database to the current version. Click the link and initiate the database upgrade script on the following screen.
SELECT * FROM `civicrm_option_value` WHERE `option_group_id`=(SELECT og.id FROM civicrm_option_group og WHERE og.name='report_template')
the version read 2.2 in the domain table (which I put in there by hand)