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=> [message] => Invalid response code received from SMTP (outbound mail) server while attempting to send email. This is often caused by a misconfiguration in the CiviCRM Outbound Email settings. Please verify the settings at Administer CiviCRM >> Global Settings >> Outbound Email (SMTP). [mode] => 16 [debug_info] => [type] => PEAR_Error [user_info] => [to_string] => [pear_error: message="Invalid response code received from SMTP (outbound mail) server while attempting to send email. This is often caused by a misconfiguration in the CiviCRM Outbound Email settings. Please verify the settings at Administer CiviCRM >> Global Settings >> Outbound Email (SMTP)." code=0 mode=callback callback=CRM_Core_Error::handle prefix="" info=""])Powered by Drupal, система за управление на съдържанието с отворен кодDEBUG: Send: QUIT DEBUG: Recv: 221 opik.superhosting.bg closing connection
DEBUG: Recv: 235 Authentication succeededDEBUG: Send: MAIL FROM:DEBUG: Recv: 250 OKDEBUG: Send: RCPT TO:DEBUG: Recv: 550-Verification failed forDEBUG: Recv: 550-No Such User Here"DEBUG: Recv: 550 Sender verify failed
I'm still having the issue where I can send mail fine so long as I don't change the default 'fixme.org' setting. When I try to change it to my domain name it freaks out and puts all the contacts on the recipient lists' email addresses 'on hold'