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UPDATE civicrm_email ceINNER JOIN civicrm_contact c ON ( c.id = ce.contact_id ) LEFT JOIN civicrm_group_contact gc ON ( gc.contact_id = c.id and gc.status = 'Added' )INNER JOIN civicrm_group gr ON ( gr.id = gc.group_id ) SET ce.on_hold = 0 WHERE gr.name = 'give your contact group name';
I'm having a similar problem on 3.0.1 - All civimail e-mail I try to send just comes back as bounced and contacts put on hold, despite for example the two test e-mail addresses being my own and working fine.
update civicrm_email set on_hold = 0;
With version 3.1.2, when the civicrm.settings.php file in the drupal/sites/default folder has the setting:define( 'CIVICRM_SITE_KEY', null );If I manually run the link:http://<mydomain>/drupal/civicrm/mailing/queue?reset=1the mailing goes out fine and contact settings are not changed.[…]... so when I change the civicrm.settings.php to havedefine( 'CIVICRM_SITE_KEY', '01234567890123456789' );Then when I run the cron job with:wget 'http://<mydomain>/drupal/sites/all/modules/civicrm/bin/civimail.cronjob.php?name=<myuser>&pass=<mypassword>&key=01234567890123456789'ormanually run the link:http://<mydomain>/drupal/civicrm/mailing/queue?reset=1thenin both cases with the Key defined in the civicrm.settings.php file, I observe that all the contacts mailed bounce (fake bounce - I don't think they are really bouncing) and each mailed contact is placed on hold.