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I sent bulk mailing at all my contacts (They are 978), with a throttle of 500, I've got that ALL emails was sent correctly and.. AFTER when my crontab start civimailprocessor I received for first set (500 contacts) 12 bounce and 2 reply, for second set (478 contacts) I received 27 bounce.In this way everything is working properly. And for ALL bounce I have received several bounce reason by Mail Delivery Notification.This is GOOD for CiviCRM 3.0.3.In CiviCRM 3.0.4 everything don't work properly. because I receive bounce "Immidiatly", in this way CiviMail don't send emails and there isn't any Mail Delivery Notification... but only bounce with equal bounce reason.
On 3.1.1 It seems work also for me...but only if I use a FROM email (to send) and Mail Account (to receive) that are the same email alias of my mailbox.
I've got EQUAL problem that I had in CiviCRM 3.0.4. You previously posted to me a valid work around that solve problem in 3.0.4 and 3.1.1. I was Happy! I [waited 3.1.3 release to upgrade my 3.0.3 release, but now I see that 3.1.3 don't fix the problem.
My contact in CiviCRM are almost all nameless, but only email address.I will do tests!
Piotr, one of my clients running 3.0.4 is having delivery issues on contacts with no names. To fix this, what's the recommended set of files?