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reCAPTCHA is also not available when a profile is used inside the User Registration and My Account screens.
Just to make clear...Without Drupal captcha site registration is unprotected.With Drupal captcha we can't use any profiles with 'create drupal account' enabled.civiCRM reCAPTCHA will not protect drupal registration pages
the main issue is:civicrm calls: $res = drupal_execute( 'user_register', $values );to create a user. other drupal modules can now inject fields like recaptcha etc and thus mess things up. not sure if there is an api that we can call that creates the user and does the other processing but not call the other hooks. someone can investigate how user_import does this? (it seems to mimic a lot of the drupal account functionality)lobo
/*** inside createDrupalUser( &$params, $mail ) ***//* $res = drupal_execute( 'user_register', $values );*/$form = drupal_retrieve_form('user_register', $form_state);$form['#post'] = $form_state['values'];drupal_prepare_form('user_register', $form, $form_state);// remove the captcha element from the form prior to processingunset($form['captcha']);drupal_process_form('user_register', $form, $form_state);
I just ran into this issue on my site as well. It seems like kind of a big deal to me.
Resolution (temporary fixes for people tearing hair out)replace drupal registration with contribution page as membership sign up + profile that creates drupal account and use civiCRM's reCaptcha. - by replace I simply mean direct any 'create account' links to the contribution page