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I disabled the civimember_roles module and now just have the current civicrm_member_roles module showing on the permissions page - but there are still no checkboxes for user permissions for that particular feature.
Further to my previous post it seems that if I enter some text in the find target contact box, and select the household from the automatic drop down list then click search, and select the household from the search list then I get the error. If I type in partial text and dont select what's on offer from the automatic drop-down list, click search and select the appropriate household, that works fine.
Perhaps there is a problem with the Ajax search box related to "organization" as I'm having an issue with individuals. An individual with an "employee of" relationship and with a listed "current employer" will show in an individual's "summary" - when I go to edit the record, the "current employer" field is empty. Editing the record and saving without re-entering the "current employer" will delete the "current employer" from the record - yet the relationship remains intact. This is occurring on my site - I can't duplicate this particular issue in the sandbox.